After graduation, you don’t have to stop being a part of Alpha Phi Omega. Some of the best and most impactful years come as alumni. There are many ways for our alumni to stay involved and connected to the Fraternity throughout any stage of life. No matter how you would like to stay involved, there are several ways to incorporate Alpha Phi Omega into your everyday life.
The Fraternity encourages all alumni brothers to become volunteers after graduation in a manner that best suits their skills and interests. Alumni involvement in the Fraternity is vital to our membership growth for active brothers, development of our future leaders and establishing a sense of community within each chapter and a connection to the national Fraternity.
Alpha Phi Omega membership is a lifetime experience and with that comes the certainty that wherever you go you will find a brother to share life’s experiences in Leadership, Friendship and Service.
With service at the center of Alpha Phi Omega, it could not thrive without its volunteers. Volunteer opportunities spread from working directly with chapters to serving at a national level, and Region F welcomes anyone who wants to help out!
If you are interested in becoming an alumni volunteer simply fill out our Online Region F Volunteer Interest form or, contact either our Region Chair or Section Chairs.
Alumni Associations:
Join an Alpha Phi Omega Alumni Association in your area to meet other alums, stay connected to the fraternity, and continue leadership, friendship and service!
To Locate an Alumni Association in your area or to start up an alumni association, visit the APO website.
Region F currently has one chapter-based or geography-based Alumni Associations:
Notable Alumni and Honorary Brothers of Region F and its Sections:
Coming Soon