Are you missing that feeling of fellowship you had at Regions E/F/G Conference, or are you feeling like you missed out? Never fear, Our Region F All Sections Conference is here! Meet up with chapters from all around Region F, hear from special guests from other areas of the country, and learn about topics, strategies, and plans that will help your chapter succeed even more than you already are!
That’s right this year we are having our section conferences all together. This is your chance to meet brothers from all of Region F. The Region F All Sections Conference will be on April 5 hosted at Elmhurst University for chapters in our sections.
Register before March 24 for special discounts!
Registration is now open, and early registration starts at just $35! You’ll save at least $5 when you sign up before March 24, and there’s a special discount for pledges and Society of Life Members too.
Please join your fellow APO members from across Illinois as we come together for our all sections conference! Our programming for the day is centered around giving our chapters and students the tools they need to make Alpha Phi Omega better equipped to succeed.
Tentative Schedule for the Day
- 8:00 am: Check-in and Registration (breakfast snack provided)
- 9:00 am: Opening Session
- 10:00 am: Morning Workshops and Sessions
- Noon: Lunch (provided by the conference)
- 1:00 pm: Afternoon Workshops and Sessions
- 2:00 pm: Section Meetings
- 3:00 pm: Afternoon Workshops and Sessions
- 5:30 pm: Conference Closing Session & Dinner (provided by the conference)
More details will be shared as we get closer, and we’re very much looking forward to having you join us at Elmhurst University to not only learn from each other but also connect with chapters and alumni and re-forge those fraternal bonds that the pandemic made difficult to experience.
Conference Topics
Coming Soon
Conference Hotel
We are working with the hotel and will have information soon