Navigating the Virtual World (with your APO bros)
This November, APO’s Region F Conference is going virtual! Navigating the Virtual World (With Your APO Bros) will be held in the evenings over two weeks this month, where you will have the opportunity to engage in discussion and fun with your Brothers across the Region. All events are virtual, primarily over the Region F Zoom.
Brothers may choose one, a few, or attend all six events! Participation could even count as a Leadership, Fellowship, or Interchapter event. Your chapter’s Executive Board can help you decide – the event is built to be flexible. We’re hoping these events can fit into how your chapter works in these virtually-distanced times. Will we see brothers from EVERY Region F chapter at this virtual conference? Let’s give it a try!
Region F Virtual Conference Schedule
Tuesday, November 10th • 5:30 PM
Virtual Happy Hour with the Chicagoland Area Alumni Association (join here)
Did you know? The CAAA hosts a weekly Happy Hour! This week, they are inviting all Region F brothers to engage with the alumni community.
Wednesday, November 11th • 7:00 PM
Self Care in a Virtual World (register in advance here)
Looking for a little support beyond the screen? This is sure to be a great discussion on what self-care really means in this Year of Eternal April. You can even share your own top tips with brothers looking for new ideas. We’re all in this together, and we’ve got each other for support!
Thursday, November 12th • 7:00 PM
Cultivating New Leaders in the Virtual World (register in advance here)
How can YOU grow new leaders within your chapter? Let’s look into the future! Your chapter is recruiting amazingly talented brothers all the time, they just need to be given a chance to become the incredible leaders you know they can be. Learn how to identify up-and-coming leaders in your chapter, and cultivate that talent to make sure your chapter continues to shine this year and for years to come.
Tuesday, November 17th • 7:00 PM
Virtual Recruitment and Engagement Roundtable (register in advance here)
Let’s keep growing! Our Region F Chair, Justin, will host a roundtable discussion among brothers from across the region, sharing ideas and plans for virtual recruitment and talking about how to keep brothers engaged and involved in the chapter…even from a safe social distance.
Wednesday, November 19th • 7:00 PM
Virtual Service and Fellowship Roundtable (register in advance here)
If you want a great discussion about service and fellowship, Ava makes a great host. As the National Service Week Chair and president of the alumni association, she knows what’s up! Bring your inquiring mind and tell us about your awesome service/fellowship events – your great ideas may be perfect at other chapters too. Is it too early to plan for next semester? We don’t think so…
Thursday, November 19th • 7:00 PM
Trivia Night with the Chicagoland Area Alumni Association (register in advance here)
Are you smarter than an alumnus? You won’t know unless you step up to the challenge! We close out our virtual conference with a little friendly competition at trivia. Test your knowledge, meet new brothers and alumni, and up your game. Who will win the region? Let’s go find out!
We Hope You Can Join Us!
Make sure you register in advance and test out your best Zoom backgrounds ahead of time. You can even make it an event! Invite your whole chapter to attend as many of these sessions as you like. Count it as a leadership event, make it a fellowship, and bring back new information and connections in service to your chapter.
We hope to see LOTS of you there!